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The Best Alarm Clock: Motorized Window Shades


Wake Up to Sunlight with Automated Window Blinds 

It happens almost every morning—you’re warm and cozy in bed, fast asleep, when suddenly your alarm blares. It startles you awake and sends your heart racing. You may press snooze, but in minutes, you’ll be scolded by the alarm again. 

That’s no way to start the day. In fact, research by the University of Notre Dame has found that repeatedly waking from an alarm is bad for the heart. 

According to sleep expert Dr. Neil Stanley, “Your body hates to be woken up by an alarm because it scares the wits out of you, your heart rate shoots up, and your stress hormones rocket. It seems a bit strange to do that to your body repeatedly in the morning. It might not kill you, but you’re certainly not setting yourself up right for the day.”

Some people try using quieter, gentler alarms—but that runs the risk of not waking at all. So what if you skipped the alarm altogether and, instead, woke up with the sun? As a smart home installer, motorized shades are one of our most popular features, especially for their morning benefits. Here’s how you can improve your wake-up routine with motorized shades in Highland Park, TX. 

SEE ALSO: 3 Reasons to Install Motorized Shades In Your Home 

Hello Sunshine 

If you close the shades at night, that probably means you're in a dark bedroom when you wake in the morning. Already, that makes it difficult to pull off the sheets and wake up. 

Instead, motorized shades can rise automatically at your preferred time. On your smart home app, you’ll simply select shades and choose the time each should rise. Sunlight will stream into your bedroom, naturally waking you. Need to lower them again? Just one tap of a button or voice command will lower shades across the room or the entire house. 

Replicate Natural Light 

If areas of the house lack natural light, or if it’s a cloudy, gloomy day, it can make it difficult to wake up and feel energized. The fix? Pair your motorized window shades with smart lighting to replicate mood-boosting sunlight. 

With tunable smart lights by brands like Lutron, you can customize the brightness or color temperature of your home’s lights and even schedule them to brighten as you wake up. In the morning, lights should appear bright and cool, like a blue-sky day. By evening, the same lights can transition into warm, golden tones, preparing your mind for a restful night’s sleep. 

Incorporate Sound 

Heavy sleepers may worry that sunlight won’t be enough to wake them up. If this sounds like you, we can integrate audio speakers into a smart morning ‘scene’ so that music starts playing after your shades open. So, as you finally open your eyes, you’ll be greeted with the morning sun and pleasant music flowing through the house. 

Could your Highland Park-area home benefit from motorized shades or smart lighting? Comware installs smart home solutions tailored to your home and lifestyle preferences. Contact us here to learn more today!  

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